Are you also a Zappoli?
Have you ever asked yourselves where does the surname Zappoli come from? On this website you can find much information on the surname Zappoli: its origins, the history of its spreading, the deeds testifying its existence.
Our surnames have roots in our ancestors and tell us what we have inherited.In the history of surnames nothing is random, there is always a chain of mandatory steps to follow and to reconstruct. It is normal to have a surname and sometimes we would prefer not to have one, for example when at school the teacher quizzes the students and perhaps, like in our case, he decides to start from the end of the alphabetical list of students: “Zappoli, to the blackboard..!”. However, surnames that we take for granted, have the seeds of our past and with some efforts, we can go back to the origins and reconstruct the history made of people, sentiments and lives: lives that in some ways are linked to ours.
On this website you will find much information about the history of the surname Zappoli: if you think for example that the surname Zappoli has something in common with the hoe (in Italian "zappa"), you are wrong; and no, even though Zappoli is a surname originating from Bologna, it is not linked to the town of Zappolino (located in Castello di Serravalle, province of Bologna near Bazzano).
Instead, you will find out that almost all the Zappolis were landowners (not highborn) of poor lands of the Appennino (height 500mt.) suitable for sheep and goats, producing chestnuts for men and acorn for pigs; the arable land at the time was almost all for the nobles and the Church. You will also find out that for almost all the Zappolis there are buying and selling deeds and wills.
If you are a Zappoli, this is the right website to find out a lot of curiosities about this old surname.
This website has no business aim. It has the only aim to reconstruct the history of the surname and to put into contact the Zappolis around the world.